D&D Basic Monsters: Blink Dog


The next monster up is the Blink Dog - the first (lawful) good creature covered here, and as such probably more likely to be encountered as an ally than an enemy. The Blink Dog has been with D&D since it's early days, but unlike a lot of other monsters, the Blink Dog seems to be an original creation for the game, having no basis in mythology or folklore.

For some reason Blink Dogs have always been the sworn enemy of Displacer Beasts.


  1. My research has found that it MIGHT be based on Jeep from the Popeye comic strips.

  2. Wow... that would be awesome if it's the case :)


  3. "For some reason Blink Dogs have always been the sworn enemy of Displacer Beasts."
    There is a reason for this, but not based in the lore of DnD.
    The Displacer Beast is based off the Coeurl from the sci-fi novel "Voyage of the Space Beagle"
    Space Beagle can easily be synonymous with Blink Dog.

  4. Eh... so which ones would you suggest for a Blink Dog? And also, if I didn't use clippers, would that mean the dog would get a claw attack as well? If so, I see no point in using it.
